Power of Art
Almoosa Health Group has unveiled the “Power of Art” initiative, a project aimed at showcasing unique Saudi artwork within its facilities. This initiative was conceived to promote national artistic efforts and nurture the flourishing Saudi art scene within our hospitals. By transforming hallways and rooms into vibrant art galleries bursting with aesthetic appeal, we seek to provide a therapeutic sight for the soul, stimulating sensory alertness in patients, staff, and visitors alike.
The initiative’s key objectives encompass: fostering a heightened appreciation of art in the community through exposure to aesthetically pleasing, high-quality artworks; bolstering and nurturing budding talent while spotlighting local artists, and immortalizing their creations; and merging art with the healing process to improve patients’ mental wellbeing. The approach espouses a holistic patient-first perspective.

Our art collection
Diverse and distinctive international and local artworks create a state of amazement and mental alertness for patients, visitors, and staff.
Let’s Learn Initiative
The “Let’s Learn” initiative has been kick-started by Almoosa Health Group, a collaborative effort with the Ministry of Development and Human Resources’ Social Responsibility Branch (Eastern Office). This community-focused project is designed to lessen the destructiveness of the pandemic by facilitating ongoing education for underprivileged students. By supplying male and female students from impoverished families and orphans with Tablets, to enable these youngsters to continue their learning. The initiative’s financial commitment was 130,000 riyals.

Cooperation with Productive Families
The Almoosa Specialist Hospital partnered with Al-Bar Charity association to support productive families and provide a stable income source that guarantees a decent life, self-sufficiency and improves their economic and social conditions. We have been buying the maamoul “Algosor” to serve patients and visitors inside the Hospital; also, we cooperated with Productive families working in sewing clothes to craft a gift bag for mothers after giving birth

The Exhibition “Health Is A Taste of Art.”
The idea of “Health, the Taste of Art” arose during the preparations for the grand opening of the south medical tower in 2013, for the need to beautify the building’s corridors with paintings and artworks, we cooperated with the Culture and Arts, and the competition was launched.
More than 2000 works were received, including painting, photography, sculpture, and calligraphy, from which we selected 200 works. Awards were given to artists, with a total amount of 400,000 Saudi riyals.
We aspire to support and encourage young talents, highlight local artists, immortalize their works, integrate art with therapy and society, and raise the community’s artistic taste by visually satisfying them with paintings and pictures of high quality and cultural value.

More than 2000 works were received, including painting, photography, sculpture, and calligraphy, from which we selected 200 works. Awards were given to artists, with a total amount of 400,000 Saudi riyals.
We aspire to support and encourage young talents, highlight local artists, immortalize their works, integrate art with therapy and society, and raise the community’s artistic taste by visually satisfying them with paintings and pictures of high quality and cultural value.
“Al-Ahsaa” Run Race
Under the auspices of Almoosa Specialist Hospital – General Sports Authority – Saudi Federation for Community Sports.
About “Al-Ahsaa” Run Race
“Al-Ahsaa Run” is an annual race organized by Almoosa Specialist Hospital in cooperation with the Public Authority for Sports. It aims to increase awareness of the importance of running and a healthy lifestyle. Sport is an essential method adopted to prevent diseases. It reduces the deposition of fats inside the blood vessels and increases energy consumption inside the body, which leads to burning bad fats and reducing the risk of heart disease and strokes. The race is prevalent, with more than 8,000 participants, including adults, children, the elderly, people with special needs, and women.
Prizes vary between cars, monetary sums, and valuable prizes.
Cleft Lip
Cleft lip deformity causes terrible psychological effects on the child and his family. It may cause severe depressive episodes due to ridiculous bullying incidences, cleft lip procedure is not covered by insurance, and the waiting time may be prolonged in government hospitals. From here came the idea of treating children with this deformity, to draw a smile of hope on their lips.

A Smile of Hope
We allocated a budget to treat 30 children in cooperation with the Al-Ber Association, where the Al-Ber Association nominated cases and evaluated them financially, Almoosa Specialist Hospital evaluated the patients from a health point of view.
“Play Together” Garden
One of our Community-based initiatives, it is a living model that helps integrate children with disabilities with their healthy peers, aiming to provide people with special needs with an opportunity to interact with others and create a recreational place for families. We believe that playing games is a tool for learning, and that allowing children to get to know their peers with special needs intimately help rid the community of misconceptions about the abilities of children with special needs.

Initiative: A Paramedic in Every School “Everyone is a Paramedic”
Under the auspices of the Life Support Center of Almoosa Specialist Hospital – Education Department
Everyone Is a Paramedic Initiative
The first moments of the accidents and fractures are crucial. Therefore, we launched the “Paramedic in Every School” initiative, which aims to train teachers on CPR and first aid to save students and deal correctly with emergency incidents. Hundreds of teachers registered and received training on how to perform first aid and pulmonary resuscitation. We collaborated with Omar Farouk, influencer, to promote the initiative by filming an episode titled “I am a nurse” to highlight the nursing profession and the importance of getting the first aid course to save lives and deal with severe cases in the right way. Four million people from different countries watched that episode.
Signing a Contract with Turquoise Mountain to Support Local Crafts
To support local craftsmanship and encourage heritage works and cultural arts from all over the Kingdom, ASH signed a two million SR contract with Turquoise Mountain.
We believe that Art is therapy; it is essential in promoting wellness and improving the treatment journey; this initiative aims at producing a set of artworks made by local craftsmen to be displayed in the Almoosa Rehabilitation and long-term care center. Most of the contract value would go to the craftsmen directly, to ensure the sustainability and development of the craft and to provide the craftsmen with a steady source of income and a decent life.
Turquoise Mountain was founded in 2006 by Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, to revive historic areas and traditional crafts, provide jobs, skills, and a renewed sense of pride.
Prince Charles personally follows up all projects from around the world and has shown a particular interest in the Almoosa Rehabilitation project, where he expressed his admiration for this beautiful mix between art, culture, and health.
Champions Camp
ASH cooperated with Al-Fateh Sports Club to launch the “Champions Camp” initiative to foster the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle and fight obesity in children.
We targeted 20 obese children, and they were divided into two categories.
1st category: From 8 years old to 11 years old
2nd category: from 12-14 years old
Activities and Events
•A preliminary examination of the child’s health and BMI
• Awareness lectures
• Medical consultations
• Trips to the supermarket and nutritional advice
• Sports and entertainment programs and outdoor group trips
• competitions and prizes