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After Successful Therapeutic Cardiac Catheterization Hamza Got his Smile Back

For the first time at Almoosa Specialist Hospital, a successful Therapeutic Cardiac Catheterization to dilate pulmonary valve stenosis was  performed  for Hamza  using balloon Catheter. Hamza  was born with congenital heart defect as severe pulmonary valve stenosis resulting in  right ventricular hypertrophy and defective pulmonary circulation, with shortness of breath, and fatigue after any physical effort.

According to Dr. Mohamed Mattar, Consultant Pediatric Interventional Cardiology at Almoosa Specialist Hospital, who’s performed the catheterization: dilating the cardiac valves by the interventional cardiac catheterization, in which the stenotic heart valve is dilated using a catheter equipped with a balloon at its tip , and the catheter is inserted through the skin from thigh veins, and then advanced slowly until it reaches the heart valve, then the balloon inflated with certain pressure and diameter to dilated the valve opening to improve its function, and the blood flows through it well.

Dr. Mattar added that for this patient, the child was examined at the Pediatric Cardiology Out-Patient Clinic, where the echocardiogram (echo) was performed and showed a severe narrowing of the pulmonary valve with severe right ventricular hypertrophy. We explained the clinical situation and the magnitude of the problem to his parents for the intervention as soon as possible to dilate the stenotic heart valve without a surgery by therapeutic cardiac catheterization with the use of Balloon after recording all available prior measurements to select the appropriate balloon size for the interventional dilatation procedure.

The therapeutic catheterization was successfully performed at the catheterization laboratory and under general anesthesia, which was conducted by Dr. Arzu Mercan, Dr. Mohammed Hamoud, and their assisstant Muhanna Abu Madkour. The procedure was performed in 35 minutes then Hamzah went out to the observation room under the supervision of Dr. Osama Qatia, consultant and head of the pediatric intensive care unit in the hospital for 24 hours then he was discharged out of the hospital in a good health and back to play with his peers.

It is worth mentioning that this is the first pediatric catheterization procedure at Almoosa Specialist hospital which was conducted with complete success.