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Dr. Zainab Al Moosa

Dr. Zainab Al Moosa

Consultant pediatric infectious diseases & CEO of Almoosa Specialist Hospital.

Dr. Zainab Is a Board Certified pediatric infectious disease consultant. She leads the Academic affairs department in the hospital. She led the expansion of the academic activities and transformation of Almoosa hospital towards a teaching hospital with more than ten residency and two fellowship programs. She served previously as Director of the infection control department in Almoosa.

She previously worked in King Abdul-Aziz hospital of the National Guard as a pediatric infectious diseases consultant and deputy program director of the pediatric residency.

She did her Bachelor of medicine and surgery at King Faisal University in Dammam. And did her residency and board training in King Abdul-Aziz hospital. And her fellowship in pediatric infectious diseases in Riyadh .she later completed her Master of Business Administration at the University of Tennessee. And she is a certified infection control practitioner.

She is the head of the Mortality and Morbidity committee and Product Value Analysis committee, and she has a passion for child protection. She initiated the first child protection program in the private sector.

She is a member of the scientific committee of the Saudi CDC (Weqaya) Dr. Zainab was born of Twin. She is a mother of 3 “a boy and two girls, “recently. She took up a new hobby, “motorcycle riding,” and she enjoys doing daily exercises.


  • M.B.B.S. from King Faisal University, Dammam in 2007.
  • Arab board and Saudi board of pediatrics in 2011.
  • Clinical fellowship in pediatric infectious diseases, 2016.
  • Certification board of infection control, 2018.
  • Physician executive M.B.A., University of Tennessee, 2020.