Delicate surgery for the heart of a baby weighing 800 g
For the first time in ALHASSA city, Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Team at Almoosa Specialist Hospital could manage closure of DuctusArteriosus (PDA), for an 800-g baby.
According to Dr. Mohamed Mattar, Consultant Pediatric Cardiac surgeon, clinical tests and echo showed that the arterial link between the aorta and the pulmonary artery-PDA- is still wide open and increase the blood flow intensively to the lungs, resulting in severe respiratory disorders and Permanent need for ventilator. After all drug attempts have failed, it was necessary to close the DuctusArteriosus (PDA) surgically.
Dr. Ahmed Mercan, Consultant Pediatric Cardiac surgeon, stated that pediatric cardiac surgery at this age requires special skills and expertise from the surgeon, especially with this small weight, that’s why we performed this delicate surgery for the baby in his bed in the nursery without transferring to the operating room, because moving the baby from the nursery to the OR with this weight is extremely dangerous, and the PDA has been successfully closed.
Dr. Mai Al-Khunizi, neonatal intensive care consultant, added that the baby recovered quickly. The ventilator was separated few days after the surgery after the medical team was confirmed that he was healthy and no longer suffered from the previous symptoms. His weight began to increase immediately with feeding Reaching weight of 2 kg;he was able to leave the hospital with periodic follow-up in the outpatient clinic for newborns.
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