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Nursing between sanctity of message and sanctity of duty

A heart beats with Empathy

A blast Hit Lebanon days ago. an explosion that wiped out entire streets across the seaside capital, and left us all heartbroken

Many stories of heroes are beginning to surface – and this is the tale of the nurse Pamela who pulled three newborns out of a hospital hit by the Beirut blast

Pamela says “we heard a sound then the explosion happened, I was knocked down unconscious, and when I woke up, the whole place was destroyed .The first thing that came to my mind was the newborn triplets; I ran to the nursery, found the three incubators under the rubble, the babies were safe inside , I started removing rubble and metal rods that fell from the ceiling  till I reached the babies, I immediately carried them, I was terrified because the incubators were covered with glass and blood-  a glass that used to be widows looking at beautiful Beirut – the voices of the babies crying reassured me that they are still alive. People were trying to also open for us to leave, they opened a small hole that we left through. My only concern was to protect the babies and get them to a safe place, I went down carrying the three babies with no electricity, I was scared one of them would slip from between my arms, especially that I was shacking from fear and trauma, but the hands of Allah were above our hands.  I started running towards the nearest hospital, people started taking off clothes and covering the babies as I ran across destruction hearing my heartbeats louder that the scream around me , the smell of death and the yawning of devastated mothers ”

What hidden force that gave her self-control and the ability to save those children!

People stand out amidst these violent and dark and these circumstances and this Pamela was up to the task – how courageous!

ASH nurses:

Hats off to you all, Pamela is an example reflecting the heroism of you, nurses do not necessarily need to save lives in a dramatic scene to be heroes. In many cases, you are caring for patients with compassion when you unknowingly become heroes to the people around you

Families go home from the hospital thinking about how you made a tremendous impact on their lives. Yet when you are recognized as heroes, you often say you did not do something special. you were just doing your jobs.”

You have qualities that make us astonished, you are not in the shadow , you are  the humble leaders and  the hope to a better future – when malls , schools and events were postponed you guys didn’t  take a break! You risked your own lives to cure patients – and that is how nurses are meant to be

Hats off to ASH nurses and all the nurses around the world ..